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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Look Good to Seduce Women

Seduction is a complex subject, but the first thing you should do, before you try to seduce a woman, is to make sure that you're at your best.

You should do some exercises and visit a hair stylist. You know best what you need to do to look better, so do it ! It's also important to dress right. Make sure your clothes help you look better. Glasses usually don't look good, so if you wear glasses you might want to change them for contact lenses. Girls like details. Make sure you clean and cut your nails, clean your shoes and do everything you can do to be at your best, even if it looks like nothing. Taking 15 minutes to make sure you look good and smell good before you meet a girl can also help a lot. Imagine you forgot to brush your teeth or something like that !

You might think that this stuff is only for women, but it's not true ! Clean your nails with a macho look on your face if you want, but do it ! It will really improves your chances when seducing women.

All of these will help you get the most important thing you need to seduce : Confidence. Without confidence you might not be able to apply what you'll learn about seduction. You need to be confident that the right approach you can seduce any girl you want ! Else, even if you learn everything you can about seducing a woman you could still be scared to try.

Now, you should be at your best or working on that. Stay around for our next articles on how to seduce women !

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